I understand the urge to keep a little piece of future history. Screen grabs of historic homepages just don't have the same impact, although I am happy I still have this series of three washingtonpost.com homepages from election night 2000. The images were snagged at 3, 3:30 and 4 a.m. on the morning of Nov. 8 (use controls at the bottom of the window below to advance the slides).....
Election Night 2000
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My copy of this Wednesday's print edition will go into a stash of consequential front pages that I have saved since at least the mid-1980s. Among them....
* "FBI's No. 2 Was 'Deep Throat'" (Post, June 1, 2005)
* "Presidential Cliffhanger Awaits Florida Recount" (Post, Nov. 8, 2000)
* "Clinton Impeached" (Post, Dec. 20, 1997)
* and "Space Alien Meets With Ross Perot" (Weekly World News, July 14, 1992)
I was always surprised that last story didn't get more pick-up.
How did other newspapers present Tuesday's election results? The Newseum here in Washington has posted a collection of hundreds of front pages from around the world. (Thanks for the link, Bill Schrier.)
UPDATE (11/9/08): Speaking of instant history and historic Web pages, my friend Mark Potts over at Recovering Journalist posted a set of "Obama Wins" screen shots from major online news sources -- on election night, no less.
Just fixed an embarrassing typo above ("T-shits"). Not sure that one would have slipped through a print publication's copy desk. Apologies.
I'm still waiting for the Mark Stencel Hologram add-on for Firefox.
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